Slowly Xena turned... "Ares! What's this about?"

"Xena, I never have figured out how you sense me.  No mortal but you  has ever been able to do that!"

"Evil stinks and you're pure evil, Ares! Now, who or what are the Corratche?"

"Xena, Xena.  It's no wonder I like you so much... never a loss for words... but, never mind.  I do not know who they are only that they are good in battle.  That's why I'm here.  I want you to find out who they are.  I want them fighting for me."

"Over my dead body, Ares!  I'll not recruit for you"

"Oh, but you will, my Xena! You see, they have your friend Gabrielle and we both know you'd go to Tartarus and back to free her.  Find the Corratche and you find Gabrielle. See you, Xena!"

"Bastard!" Xena exclaimed as she mounted Argo and raced after Gabrielle and the Corratche.

a.  Xena catches up to the Corratche and confronts it.

b. Gabrielle talks to the Corratche.

c. Watch the action with Ares.

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 13 December 1998